
About Our Convenient Organizer for Your Freezer

In the late 1990s, it was very difficult to find Asian grocery stores or restaurants in Minnesota. I wanted to introduce our American friends to our traditional foods, and Nusia Foods was created (N is for New, US is for the USA, and SIA stands for Asia).

We embarked and introduced new Asian cuisine to America. Over the years, we noticed a food storage need and created FreezeStax, a stackable food formation device for freezing solid or liquid foods. FreezeStax was patented in April 2020.

The USDA's Economic Research reported approximately 133 billion pounds and $161 billion worth of food was wasted in 2010. To combat this problem, the majority of Americans say they are taking steps to reduce food waste by using leftovers from cooking (53%), planning their meals (51%), and using or freezing leftovers in a timely manner (47%).

FreezeStax supports these efforts! It makes frozen meals stackable, saves freezer space, and organizes freezer space so the food actually gets seen and used.